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  • Do you tire more easily or feel fatigued?
  • Is it more difficult to get and stay in shape?
  • Not getting the results from your exercise routine?
  • Is there less desire to exercise and the time to recover after exercise is longer?
  • Have you lost some of the zest for life or lost interest in sex?
  • Is your body getting soft, weak and losing muscle tone?
  • Are you eating the same or less and putting on weight?
  • Have you lost some of your mental quickness and reaction time has slowed?
  • Is the fire going out of your sex drive or feel a loss of desire?
  • Are you having trouble getting or maintaining an erection?
  • Is getting a good night's sleep becoming impossible?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, and you're at least 38 and up than it is best to get a nutrition analyses before beginning an exercise regimen. It's better to know what the body is lacking in areas of nutrients. Sometimes we can work against ourselves in the way of not knowing why our routine is not being as effective as we like. It could be as simple as being deficient in an important nourishment.

I have seen numerous of people get discourage with their exercise routine because it wasn't producing the desired results. It really doesn't take long to see results take shape in the body as long as the testosterone levels are where they need to be. A supplement known as ZMA is an excellent boost for your engine. I do suggest though that you talk with your physician about your nutritional blueprint before beginning your work on rebuilding and shaping your foundation.


  1. CP I am thinking I might need some testosterone...I am lacking in something,
    I am becoming a precious jewel stagnant and shiny, and with lack of sleep.... don't mention sex drive... although I know you will....it is now I have the problem, not in a past life.

  2. Stell, I think you're just find right where you are. If anything you have an over abundance of testosterone. Your blood cells might be the cure all for inactivity in America.

    It's funny that a lack of testosterone can burn you out as well as an over abundance of it, but life and its situations has a way of balancing itself out.

    We can either take control ourselves as we see the signs or we can ignore them and allow our reckless driving to cause us to crash, either way we must come to a halt and redirect.

  3. You know cp...my brother is gay, and they have done test on him, and found out he is very low on testosterone, he has to use patches...that make him fell better less tired etc, but cause anger and aggression......interesting, I wonder if I got more male genes than him ? or what about the correlation of lack of testosterone and being gay is there a link?
    Anyway it's all very interesting
    Keep up the good work

  4. That is exactly what I always thought. It tells you that men and women are born the way they are. There is definitely a correlation. Thank you for your support.


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