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Leisure Time!

  I remember in school, recess was a given. Why recess? Why not just let us go all day without a break? Is it because the students need it or the teachers? Many times when we are doing things we don't like, a break is warranted. If we are doing things we enjoy very much it seems we can go all day without breaking.

I think leisure is built into those things in which we love to do. If we are getting stressed out in our chosen occupation than we have chosen poorly. We were born to live life effortlessly. Living life should be as easy as eating cheese cake. When we are under pressure it is because we are forcing our lives to go in a direction we think is best instead of what we really and truly prefer.

We were raised from child birth that this is the blue print to everlasting bliss. We see signs each day that says differently, but because our parents or some authority figure says otherwise we ignore these health signs in the road and drive ourselves right over the cliff. We are along for the ride but stressing every mile of the way. Why go on this trip if the time involved makes us look forward to leisure time?

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