Lose Weight Quickly, Gain Friends Fast.

Michelle Obama helps break world record for jumping jacks

Michelle Obama has earned her family another place in history. This time, Mrs. Obama will share the honor with more than 300,000 other participants who in October set the record for most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period. The previous world record was just 20,000.

In a video from the White House, Mrs. Obama thanked National Geographic Kids and the Guinness Book of World Records, who helped organize the event as part of Obama's Let's Move! initiative to promote physical fitness and healthy eating for children. She also said she hopes that physical fitness will be a priority for the kids who participated.

"More than anything, I want to say, thanks to every single young person who showed that exercise isn't just good for you, but that it's fun too," Mrs. Obama said.

In the event, Mrs. Obama led about 400 kids from elementary and middle schools in the Washington area on the South Lawn of the White House. Other jumping jack events were held around the world to reach the world-record mark.

The key word in this paragraph is "fun". Make it fun and you too will be reaching goals and breaking personal records with your exercise regimen.

Fighting Cancer with Super health

By: Leroy Templeton (Guest Blogger)

There is no doubt that emotional state plays an important role in the physical health of any person. Often, the first bit of advice a doctor gives after diagnosing a patient with cancer is to “just stay positive”; as that is a very important aspect of the recovery process. With recent developments in the study of psychoneuroimmunology, there is no doubt that this advice can be carried over to those looking to prevent cancer. Just as our mentality helps us maintain our health, certain physical choices play an equally important role.

Did you know that around 30% of cancer diagnoses owe credit to the patient’s diet? There is no question as to the importance of the role of diet in health and fitness. This importance is compounded by the fact that these dietary decisions can both promote cancer as well as prevent it. This means that the decisions of what you will and won’t eat could be the some of the most important decisions you could make. When you mix healthy dietary decisions with a positive, upbeat attitude, you can really fight your chances of getting cancer.

There are a number of foods to avoid in order to prevent cancer, but one of the most important things to stay away from is any unnatural foods.  Synthetic foods put the body under more stress as they are harder to process than natural foods. During this process the body’s natural chemical balance is compromised which affects the cell growth and division process. When these bodily functions are disrupted, there is a much higher potential for the growth and development of cancerous cells and tumors. Whenever possible, try to substitute natural and organic foods in for their synthetic counterparts. Red meats also affect the chemical balance within the body. As they are difficult to process, red meats sit in the body longer, exposing more bacterial and carcinogens to the body. Studies show that this inherently increases the likelihood of colon cancer as well as papillary mesothelioma. Whenever possible you should substitute leaner poultry and fish in for red meats.

However, being healthy is more than just eating healthy. If all you do is eat right then you are still missing the key component of “super health”; the state of mind. Emotional health is key to maintaining a cancer-free diet. Organized thought, reflection and a positive attitude help keep the neuro-functions of the brain at a healthy equilibrium. Since the brain controls almost every other part of the body, this has a huge impact on the health of the entire body.

Emotional health is very important. With that you can achieve health. However, if you want to really prevent cancer, you shouldn’t be just healthy. You need to be super healthy. You can only do that by combining a healthy diet with a healthy emotional state. Once you start doing that you will be feeling better with all of your mind, body and soul.

Florida Inmate Drops Pounds in Exchange for Early Release

A 345-pound man jailed for driving with a suspended license was freed nine days early thanks to a Lake County, Fla., judge's "lose-a-pound, gain-a-day" deal.
George McCovery, 37, dropped 25 pounds in 20 days -- a feat he credited to bland prison food and the judge's weight-loss challenge.
"She gave me a chance to prove myself, and I didn't want to let her down," he told the Orlando Sentinel.
Judge Donna Miller, whose courtroom proceedings are replayed in the TV show "Lake Courts," is famous for her unusual sentence deals. In her 17 years as a judge, Miller has ordered defendants to start jogging, take a dance class, tutor math and write Christmas cards, according to the Sentinel.
"I do what I do to try to change the person in front of me," she said, acknowledging that her self-improvement sentences won't be doled out to everyone. "If the person needs jail, they get jail."
Miller said she would check McCovery's weight after 20 days. And to her surprise, he had already shed 25 pounds.
"It's not easy to lose weight," Miller told the Sentinel. "I thought he'd lose 5, maybe, 6 pounds -- not 25."...read more

What would you exchange your unwanted pounds for?

How People Are Rethinking Prosperity

Despite lingering unemployment and a still sluggish economy, many Americans are finding reasons to be thankful this time of year. In fact, for some, unexpected layoffs, financial setbacks, or simply a desire to spend more time with family have served as a reality check, a wake-up call for consumers to rethink their idea of wealth and prosperity.
"People are focusing more on life satisfaction than satisfaction by consumption," says Ethan Willis, co-author of Prosper: Create the Life You Really Want and co-founder of Prospect Inc., a one-to-one distance learning company that focuses on topics like real estate, entrepreneurship, and personal development. "One of the big shifts is that people are questioning, 'Is the time that I'm spending bringing me greater satisfaction in my life versus something that is just on autopilot?'"
More money doesn't necessarily lead to greater happiness, says Willis, so many consumers are getting off the "hedonic treadmill" and looking for ways to realign with family and the values that matter to them. He calls this finding one's "Polaris Point," a personal philosophy or set of values that guides decision-making...con't

This article was so on point about self-prosperity that I couldn't pass by it without buying into it. There are no accidents in life. Every iota that happens in life happens for our betterment. If we seize these moments and milk them for the good, our eyes will open and we will witness the mystical wonderments that take place during times like these.
We have two choices every second of our lives. We can either set our gaze on the negative that come to us moment by moment, and go down through the valleys and shadows of hopelessness or we can set our gaze upon all things good. Things that bring goose bumps and a smile to our faces. Things that bring awe and amazements. Things that make you look up towards heaven and say, "thank you so much for my life".


The first thing that comes to mind when we think of addictions is drugs and sex. In a way all things can be put into this category. But most of the time we do not think of our children, friends, parents, family, vehicles, homes, food, clothes, jobs, money, exercise or even fun as addictions.

Even our dictionaries give us this definition : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal;broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.

Being addicted to anything period is harmful. As stated before all things can be a drug. An addiction is a dependency or need. You can't bear to live without something for too long. We have come to depend on a certain entity and if we lose it our life is lost with it as well.

An addiction on one level is an addiction on all levels, it is spiritual. It is an inclusion of all things and an exclusion of nothing. So this means we must investigate every facet of our being if we want to be totally honest with ourselves on this subject. And after leaving no stone unturned when examining this area of our life, we find a certain substance we can't seem to part with when we truly think about it, then we know more attention should be given toward mastering this reality.

Why do we want to master anything in our lives that bring us discomfort and pain? It's because we are powerless when we are out of control. If someone is driving your vehicle to a place you do not wish to go then you feel helpless in determining your own destination, not a good feeling to be in. Where there is bad feelings or emotions, there is despair, hopelessness, anger, all the way too self-destruction.

To be truly whole it starts with a recognition that parts of you are not your own, but they belong to something or someone else outside of you. When this light has been turned on we will find that life is so much freer and lighter when we have more power to love all things pertaining to life and not needing any of it. All things in life are toys. When you are done playing with them toss them back in the box for someone else, and choose the next toy that captures your heart.

Don't Waste Your Life.

This is the beginning of a new moment.
God has given us this very moment to use as we choose.
We can waste this moment or we can use it for good.

What we do this very moment is important because
We are exchanging a moment of our lives for it.
When the next moment comes, this moment will be gone forever,
leaving something in it's place we have traded for it.

We want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil;
success, not failure, in order that we will not
forget the price we paid for it.

Note: This poetry was written by an unknown author. I have replaced some words but the theme is the same. If you know the author please let me know and I will give credit where it is due. Thanks.