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I Can See My Abs

When I looked in the mirror today, I notice something I haven't seen in awhile. My abs was actually starting to show. They are showing to the point where you can't help but notice them. In place of the ole' beer gut are smiling ripples. Some would say, well, you worked hard, so that work is paying off. I would say it wasn't hard work at all. What's hard about doing the things you enjoy most.

The concept of molding your physique is a built in automatic mechanism. Take care of yourself and your body will do it's job and take care of you. "Taking care," involves no kind of stress whatsoever. When you dread doing exercise, that's stress. When you have to fight daily to adhere to some kind of eating plan, that's stress.

I say get out of your own way. The body is the most complicated and most simple machine ever created. It's an all-in-one. The body is more than capable of doctoring on itself, but it needs positive and constructive energy to do so. It draws its energy in and pushes it out, but as long as you are stressing and worrying, the body receives this negative energy and is gradually short circuited. The result of this short circuitry is dead weight.


  1. I love to climb, and what's great is the benefits that follow. Good health. I've also learned some good ethics along the way.

    Do what you love and the rest will follow

  2. Justina, Wow, that statement is priceless. This is exactly what I have been saying on here, and along comes you, impeccable timing. Doing what you love equals great health and a happy conscience.

    The old ways of exercising are too static, and tedious, because no one is enjoying them, they take it as a chore more than a joy, wow. I would love to post your love of climbing here as a guess blogger.

  3. Great Post!
    Good information shared, happy with this information.

    Weight Gain


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