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Meditation is the foundation of all great structures. Some may say meditation is the quieting of the mind. There are not words really in the human language to accurately describe meditation, therefore there are many descriptions of it. Quieting the mind is not as some would think quieting the mind would be. It is the allowing of what is. If you are like most people you experience a lot of noise in your thoughts, so to sit still and try and quiet those thoughts is unpleasant and nothing to looking forward too.

When meditation is done it is not done in a way to quiet down the mind, it is done to allow what is. It is design to bring you home to the present moment. You see, many of us are on a wayward journey. We are like nomads walking to and fro through the desert not knowing which way to go. Meditation puts you back on course.

Most people who meditate sit quietly by themselves in a secluded place like a closet or an extra room in the house. This type of meditation is more like a tool or guide to ease you back into constant and natural meditation. Meditation should be a continuous flow of daily activity and routines, for it is this continuous flow that links us to our core being wherein lies the true health of happiness and wellness in every way imaginable. 

Meditation can and will cure all known health and wellness issues. When we meditate we are focused in the body. There is great and positive energy in focusing. All positive energies are healers that comes from a great source that surrounds the birds, trees, grass, the bees and all of humanity. When your focus is divided it causes a separation of the whole of you. This separation causes weaknesses within the body which will cause breakdowns and deterioration of our molecular structure which produces unimaginable diseases and health issues.    

To meditate effectively you MUST allow the moment to be as it is, no more no less. Whatever thoughts are going on in your mind recognize them and be at peace that they are there. It is this awareness that causes the easing of the brain storm sort of speak. If you don't wake up or be aware of  this storm than you will be swept away by the powerful and uncontrollable wind. Be aware or focus in everything you do daily and at every moment whether it be cooking or brushing your teeth. Be in the present and allow tomorrow to take care of it self.


  1. Yes yes yes! Sometimes, when I just get out of an argument, I can feel my anger beginning to rise, but then I ask myself. What's wrong with right now?

    And then I proceed to take a deep breath, and then it hits me, nothing! there is absolutely nothing wrong with the moment right now. That argument was 10022739928 milliseconds ago.

  2. Beautifully said, what happened milliseconds ago is irrelevant, no need to dwell there no longer. Every millisecond is a new day and new birth.

    It is the allowance and recognition of the anger, which is the water, that distinguishes the fire before it burns and consumes.

  3. Thank you! Fact is, the past and the future are only illusions created by our minds. There is no such thing as the past and the future. It's natural for humans to think of a timeline, but there is only now. What happened yesterday, some can argue, may have never happened. Of course this can get too philosophical..haha

    I would be honoured to guest blog but I may have to take a rain check, as I would like to build up my own content first. Thank you very much for the invitation.


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