Lose Weight Quickly, Gain Friends Fast.

Is losing weight an art?

I work as a commercial custodian, a fancy way of saying I'm a janitor. I work for a manufacturing company, so I am responsible for cleaning a hugh area. I started working for this company back in October of 2009. Before I started this job I was laid off for a year exactly.

While I was unemployed I did nothing but mostly sit on my ass. Every now and then, I would cut the grass, trim the hedges or wash the vehicles as needed and sometimes all three in one day.

When I started my job, I was 210Lbs at 5'8". Most of that weight was in my gut. When I was in my teens I promise myself I would never have a beer belly (what we used to call it). Now here I was at 42 with this hugh thing hanging from my body. While I don't mind being 210Lbs I just didn't want it all hanging over like that.

I was very happy with finally start working. My first day on the job was like my 2nd day in boot camp. I sweated profusely and gave out of breath easily. That mop really put a strain on my heart, but I was glad I had a job that called for physical exertion such as this. For a moment, I didn't think I would be able to effectively do my job as required.

Over time, I gradually start to shed weight. I could feel my energy level rise after a while. My gut was melting and I no longer required as much oxygen. I actually looked forward to mopping. The more work they added to me the happier I was.

I've been on the job for five months now, and I'm already down to 165Lbs. That's 35Lbs dropped in five-month times. I could have done my Christmas shopping for the year with that many pounds. I ask you, "is weight lost an art"? I went from sitting on my ass all day and gaining 20Lbs to working eight hours a day and losing 35Lbs. With all the many commercials and advertisements being shown about shedding weight, tell me bloggers, "is losing weight an art"?


  1. Hey,
    How are you ? question if I sit all day reading your quite interesting posts...may I say, I am just going to gain weight...it is lucky I do work and quite hard.
    Keep up the good work I think this has the potential to be a very good blog
    Cheers from Aussie Stella

  2. Stell, as long as you are enjoying what you do than keeping the weight down is fun, but if not than you are right it is hard work.


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