Lose Weight Quickly, Gain Friends Fast.

Don't Waste Your Life.

This is the beginning of a new moment.
God has given us this very moment to use as we choose.
We can waste this moment or we can use it for good.

What we do this very moment is important because
We are exchanging a moment of our lives for it.
When the next moment comes, this moment will be gone forever,
leaving something in it's place we have traded for it.

We want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil;
success, not failure, in order that we will not
forget the price we paid for it.

Note: This poetry was written by an unknown author. I have replaced some words but the theme is the same. If you know the author please let me know and I will give credit where it is due. Thanks.


  1. Very good poem. My friend was talking the other day about how we were chosen to be put into this life by God. The time for the human race is limited, science says we have 7000 years left.

  2. Your friend was right in that we were chosen for this exact life, but it is we who did the choosing. Before we enter our mother's womb we knew what we were coming into. Before this life we were and are gods.

    Scientist got it semi-right. In 7000 years the earth and the human race will look far different from today. We will be closer to Christ-Like, our human being will be merged with our spiritual being. The human race is very limited, but the spiritual man is infinite.


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