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The first thing that comes to mind when we think of addictions is drugs and sex. In a way all things can be put into this category. But most of the time we do not think of our children, friends, parents, family, vehicles, homes, food, clothes, jobs, money, exercise or even fun as addictions.

Even our dictionaries give us this definition : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal;broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.

Being addicted to anything period is harmful. As stated before all things can be a drug. An addiction is a dependency or need. You can't bear to live without something for too long. We have come to depend on a certain entity and if we lose it our life is lost with it as well.

An addiction on one level is an addiction on all levels, it is spiritual. It is an inclusion of all things and an exclusion of nothing. So this means we must investigate every facet of our being if we want to be totally honest with ourselves on this subject. And after leaving no stone unturned when examining this area of our life, we find a certain substance we can't seem to part with when we truly think about it, then we know more attention should be given toward mastering this reality.

Why do we want to master anything in our lives that bring us discomfort and pain? It's because we are powerless when we are out of control. If someone is driving your vehicle to a place you do not wish to go then you feel helpless in determining your own destination, not a good feeling to be in. Where there is bad feelings or emotions, there is despair, hopelessness, anger, all the way too self-destruction.

To be truly whole it starts with a recognition that parts of you are not your own, but they belong to something or someone else outside of you. When this light has been turned on we will find that life is so much freer and lighter when we have more power to love all things pertaining to life and not needing any of it. All things in life are toys. When you are done playing with them toss them back in the box for someone else, and choose the next toy that captures your heart.

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